Simulate data using a DEFM
sim_defm(m, par, fill_t0 = TRUE)
An object of class DEFM. The baseline model.
Numeric vector of model parameters.
Logical scalar. When TRUE
(default) will fill-in the baseline
value of each observation (i.e., the starting condition) (see details.)
An integer vector of size nrows_defm(m) x ncol_defm_y(m)
Each observation in the simulation must have initial condition. In practice,
this means we start the markov process with a matrix of size
morder_defm(m) x ncol_defm_y(m)
, i.e., order of the Markov process times
the number of output variables. when fill_t0 = TRUE
, the function return
the rows corresponding to baseline states with the original value, otherwise
it replaces them with -1. This option is mostly for testing purposes.