This function generates a plot of the model states over time
plot_epi(model, mark_max)
A plot displaying each state from the model over the course of the simulation
Other Server side functions:
library(epiworldR) # for ModelSEIRCONN function
model <- ModelSEIRCONN("COVID-19", n = 1000, prevalence = 0.05,
contact_rate = 4, transmission_rate = 0.1,
incubation_days = 7, recovery_rate = 0.14)
run(model, ndays = 100, seed = 123)
#> _________________________________________________________________________
#> Running the model...
#> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| done.
#> done.
plot_epi(model, mark_max = "Infected")