
class epiworldpy.ModelSIRDCONN

A model with four compartments: susceptible, infectious, recovered, and dead.

__init__(self: epiworldpy._core.ModelSIRDCONN, name: str, n: int, prevalence: float, contact_rate: float, transmission_rate: float, recovery_rate: float, death_rate: float) None

Create a new SIRDCONN model.


__init__(self, name, n, prevalence, ...)

Create a new SIRDCONN model.

add_entity(self, arg0)

add_state(self, lab, fun)

add_tool(self, tool)

Adds a tool to modify the model.

add_virus(self, virus)

Adds a virus to the model

agents_from_edgelist(self, source, target, ...)

Populatates the model's agents from an edge list.

agents_smallworld(self, n, k, d, p)

Populate the model without an edgelist.


Get the data from the model run, which may then be queried with associated methods.

get_entity(self, arg0, arg1)


Get the name of the type of model.


print(self[, summary])

Print a summary of the model run.

run(self, ndays[, seed])

Run the model according to the previously specific parameters.