Nursing Home

This webpage will explore the dataset exploring connections between health care providers and their patients in VA nursing homes. The data was taken from “Assessing Pathogen Transmission Opportunities: Variation in Nursing Home Staff-Resident Interactions”. This is the “Example 2” on the poster.


These are the packages that were used for this analysis:


Loading Data

Previously, the data has been cleaned and loaded as an .RData file type. It is loaded below:


Pre-Requisites for For-Loop

Afterwards, in order to run each of the graphs in a “For-Loop”, we need to create a place for the graphs to go and a seed to make it reproducible:

# Creates an empty list to store the networks
nets <- list()  

# Sets a seed for reproducibility 

Running the For-Loop

Now everything is set for the For-Loop to run. This part of the code is where the personalization of the graphs come in. As you can see, there are a number of aspects from netplot that can be manipulated to make the graph look better. Here is the code for that:

for (i in 1:99) { 
  # Checks if the vertex "is_actor" exists in the network
  is_health_care_provider <- networks[[i]] %v% "is_actor"  
  nets[[i]] <- nplot( networks[[i]], 
                      # Colors the vertices gray if HCP exists, red otherwise
                      vertex.color     = ifelse(is_health_care_provider, "gray40", "red3"),  
                      # Makes vertices square if HCP exists, round otherwise
                      vertex.nsides    = ifelse(is_health_care_provider == TRUE, 4, 10),
                      # Makes HCP vertices larger than patient vertices
                      vertex.size      = ifelse(is_health_care_provider == TRUE, .25, .15),
                      vertex.size.range = c(.015,.065),
                      edge.width.range = c(.25,.5),
                      # Sets edge line breaks to 1 and colors edges black  
                      edge.line.breaks = 1, edge.color = ~ ego(alpha = 1, col = "lightgray") +    alter(alpha = 1, col = "lightgray"),
                      edge.curvature = pi/6,
                      # Removes vertex labels
                      vertex.label     = NULL )

Graphing it all!

Lastly, we need to combine each of the graphs into one graph!

# Combines the 99 plots into an 11x9 grid
allgraphs <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = nets, nrow=11, ncol=9)